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Dec 22 2004 3:15PM HP LASERJET 3330 BEST AVAILABLE COPY p. 3 

Posz & I*third». PIC 

Declaration and Power of Attorney for Patent Application 
Japanese Language Declaration 

As a below named inventor, I hereby declare that: 

My residence, post office address and citi zenshi p are 
as stated next to my name. 

I believe I am the original , f irst and sole inventor 
(if only one. name is. listed below) or an original, 
first and joirrtjMnventor (if plural names are listed 
below) of the subject matter which is claimed and for 
which a patents s sought on the invention entitled 



the specification of which is attached hereto unless 
the following box:. is checked- 

filed o h January 21 , 2004 

as United States Application Number or PCT 

IotoiTOtional Application Numbe r . . 

and* Was amended on " "_ 

(if applicable). 

| hereby state that I have reviewed and- understand the 
contents - of * the^ .above identi f led speci fi cation, 
including- the pi aims, as amended by any amendment 
referred "to above. 

lZz>l\T&m&m&3 Sm^ 1 9&(a)-(d)JSXI*3 6 5 
f:ota«M3 5H3 6 5 (a) XgKrS^ < *lHS*r 

pct mmthtt& > £t - * r * ^-^tj-^ l „ 

I acknowledge, the duty to disclose information which 
is material to patentability as defined in Title $7, 
Code of Federal Regulations, Section 1.56. 

I hereby claim foreign priority under Title 35, United 
States Code, Section 119(a)-(d) or 365(b) of any 
foreign applicition(s) for patent or inventor' s 
certificate, or 365(a) of any PCT International 
application which designated at least one country 
other than the jUnited States, listed below and have 
also Identified below, by checking the box, any. 
foreign application for patent or inventor* s 
certificate, or?PCT International application having 
a filing date before that of the application for which 
priority is claimed. 

PACE 3/5 * RCVD AT 12/22/2004 2:19:25 PM [Eastern Standard Time] " SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-2M » DNIS:7469195 * CSID: • DURATION (nun-ss): 02-52 

Dec 22 2004 3:15PM HP LASERJET 3330 

Poaz & BatKurdj, PLC 

Japanese Language Declaration 

Prior Foreign Appl icatlon(s) 

Priority Not Claimed 

1 . 2002-352363 



■ H 

fDjiv/Mnrvfch/Y«ir Filed"* 




(Country) (»S) 

(DayyWonth/Year Filed) 



(Number) (#^) 

(Country) (§£) 

(Da*/Month/Year Filed) 



(Number) («^) 

(Country) (&£) 

{Day/Month/Year Filed) 


6.- . 


(Number) (#°) 

(Country) (H«) 

( Day/Month Aear Filed) 



(Number) (##) 

(Country) (©£) 

(Day/Month/Year Filed) 



(Number) (*^) 

(Country) (H£) 

(pay/MonthAear Fi 1 ed) 

□ Additional Foreign Applications) is(are) listed on the attached.^eet'>orated herein, by reference. - 

I hereby claim the benefit under Title 35, United 
States Code, Section 119(e) of any united States 
provisional application(s) listed below. 

(Application No.) 

(Filing Date) 

(Application Ho J 

(Filing Date) 

o&\zmrJ.<m<L xf^s^^u-cwvsTgB(7) pct m 

^|MR3 5ff 1 1 2^1 ^Tf^*tLfe^-^5t 

fTrs*Ji#s^d3Jisx!± pct ©psiai^ra^^tLTi^t^ 

I hereb)f\cl aim; the benefit under. Title; 35, Uhited 
States' Code/ 'Section 120/ of an/ 1 United States 
applicatiori(s), or 365(c)' of arty "PJCT" International 
application designating the United States, listed 
below and,, insofar as the subject matter. of each of 
the cl aims of thi s appl i cation is not jdi sclosed in the 
prior United $tates : or PCT International application 
in the manner provided by the fi ret paragraph of Title 
35, Uhited States Code Section 112, I acknowledge the 
duty to disclose information which is material to 
patentabi 1 i ty; as defi ned i n Ti tl e 37 Code of Federal 
Regulations, Section 1.56 which became available 
between the filing date of the prior application and 
the national or PCT International filing date of 

Application No. 

Filing Date 

Status : . Patented Pending, Abandoned 

PAGE 4/5 » RCVD AT 12/22/2004 2:19:25 PM [Eastern Standard Time] * SVR:USPTO-EFXRP-2/4 * DNIS:7469195 " CSID: * DURATION (mm-ss): 02-52 

Dec 22 2004 3: 15PM 



p. 5 

Pisz & Sfttfcardt, PLC 

&nm:& K> , fr^ftOX^ UfctiWS t&Ofe cztzz 


Japanese Language Declaration! 

I hereby declare that all statements made herein of 

my own knowledge are true and that al 1 statements trade 
on information and belief are believed to be true; 
and further tjhat these statements were Bade with the 
knowledge th^jt. willful false stetenents and the like 
so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or 
both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United 
States Code ^nd that such willful false statements 
may jeopardize the validity of the application or any 
patent issued thereon. 

POWER OF ATTORNEY: As a named inventor, I hereby 
appoint the fallowing attorney(s) and/or agent(s) to 
prosecute this appli oat ion "and transact all business 
in the Pateht and Trademark Office connected 
therewith (list name and registration number) 

David G. Posz, Reg. No. 37701, Charles W. Bethards, Reg. No. 36453, R. Louis Breeden, Reg. No. 37286, 
James E. Barlow, Rsg. No. 32377,. Brian C. Altjiriller, Reg. Wo. 37271,. Robert L, Scott; Reg. .No. .43102, 
Teresa M. Arroyo, Reg. No. 50015 and all other attorneys: and/or aoehts associated with PT0 Customer 
No*, 23400, - - 

SrJSSSftffc : (Send* Correspondence to) 

David a. Posz, Esq./ Posz &' Bethards, PLC, 11250 Roger Bacon Drive; Suite 10, Reston; VA 20190; 
PTO Customer No. 23400 

H8c®S£>S<&$te (£Ktj2klfWEi&- f f ) : Direct Telephone Calls to (nana and telephone number) 
, .David G. Posz, Esq., (703) 7Q7-9110 

i&— $8814" (Full name of sole or first inventor) Hirofuwi Isomura- 

9SQ!ftt(B&& inventor' s SigrftitUre)", ' 

\ " . ' : :*:v;v; a 

ftrW (Residence) Kan" ya-'city, Jafcan 

@S§ (Citizenship) • Japan 

iPffiftfVr (Post Office Address) . c/o 
Aichi-pref., 448-8661 Japan 


1-1, . Showa-cho, Kan'ya-city, 

(Full name of second joint inventor) 

&38#<D«:& (Inventor' a Signature) 

B# (Date) 

ftrtf (Residence) 


#flE£fif (Post Office Address) 

□ Additional Inventor(s) is (are) listed on the attached sheet which is incorporated herein by reference. 

PACE 5/5 ■ RCVD AT 12/22/2004 2:19:25 PM [Eastern Standard Time] * SVR:USPTO-EFXRP-2/4 • DNIS:74691 95 * CSID: * DURATION (mm-ss): 02-52